Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pocket mein Rocket Hai...... (Roket Singh - Salesman of the year movie reviews)

First of all, It's been a long time blogging. It took a while to blog about Rocket Singh which I saw 3 weeks ago.

Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year is a sweet movie, which should be watched for its good intentions, its decency and for Ranbir Kapoor's performance, which firmly establishes him as the best actor in his league.

Starting with the titles, the creators have created wonderful little details - so Harpreet's grandfather, played nicely by Prem Chopra, rattles off a check list before Harpreet goes for a job interview, which includes the question: motion clear hua.

Let us start at the very beginning, Ranbir plays Harpreet Singh Bedi, an idealistic young graduate who lands a sales job in a computer firm run by a boss who sets unrealistic targets for his team. His skills of selling at the interview is good to watch.

The movie is so realistic and almost shot in one Office. An office party scene is filmed with colleagues drinking out of plastic cups, loosening their ties and dancing to songs being played on their computers. Even the film's opening credits sequence in which the camera lovingly floats over a middle-class home's bric-a-brac is evidence of the makers' commitment to authenticity.

He is taken to an office during his training where the trainer kinda teaches him how to bribe the security guards to get the info of their rivals. So, when he gets his first assignment, the MD of the company asks him to grease his hands. But,instead of doing something good he actually lodges a complaint which gets him into a great humiliation, He is actually congradulated with a demotion. He is stopped from meeting any of their clients.

You should Watch his eyes in the scene in which he first discovers that honesty doesn't pay in this company or his body language in the scene, in which his grandfather has to come to jail to get him. He is outstanding.

The only thing he can do in the office is call up people and convince people to book their computers. His colleagues throw Paper Rockets to humiliate him. Determined to do it his way, Harpreet forms his own company within the company. He names the company Rocket Sales. Other disgruntled employees also find their way to Rocket Sales - a place where even the chaiwallah is an equal partner because he brings talent to the table. The business which he forms is totally based on Honesty and Equal Share.

Harpreet and his band of rebels show us that eventually honesty and hard work is a sound business decision.

The drama here is more restrained. The obstacles seem more ordinary. The characters are wholly believable.

A street side tea stall becomes the conference room of the fledgling company and even the telephone on Harpreet's desk has just the right amount of grime.

The supporting characters in the film are interesting especially Giri, the babe-obsessed computer whiz, and Koena, the fashionable but ambitious and smart receptionist played by Gauhar Khan, who is my favourite. But none of them are as sharply etched or as memorable as the Chak De Girls.

But the trouble with Rocket Singh is that it never engages you fully. The first half is especially slow but even in the second, the film doesn't grab you by the gut.

There are long stretches in which the restrained story-telling becomes indulgent and topples over into sheer boredom. And there are several moments at which you wonder if this is more information about salesmen and their difficult lives than you ever needed.

The script of Rocket Singh is its real star. Seeking inspiration in real life and real people, the film avoids stereotypes and goes for characters and situations that are refreshingly familiar. Rocket Singh touches a chord because it's that rare film that urges us to examine our lives and to question the rules by which we live it. It has a life-affirming quality that will appeal to every one of us who has ever hesitated before taking the easy way over the right way.

Remarkable casting has resulted in some fine performances by key players, although even the bit parts are filled out convincingly. D Santosh as the affable maintenance guy, Mukesh Bhatt as the tea-man with computer-repair skills, Naveen Kaushik as the oddly sideburned team head, and Gauhar Khan as the cutting receptionist pitch in commendable performances. Padamsee once said in an interview that her role has edge over Gauhar, which is totally untrue.

Of course it's topped off by Ranbir Kapoor's compelling, effortless portrayal of Harpreet Singh Bedi. Ranbir adds the little touches that make all the difference: combing the beard, tucking in the turban, lifting the 'kada' further up his arm before dipping his hand into a bucket of wet clothes. He's an actor you can't take your eyes off.

In the end, Rocket Singh is a clean, honest film with noble intentions. It requires patience to appreciate it fully, but deserves a viewing because films like this are hard to find.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Blue Movie review (The director really blew it)

I was on leave and made a disastrous idea to watch the movie Blue. I don't know why I was so desperate to watch such an ugly movie.

I am still trying to figure out why did Anthony D'Souza choose such a subject. They have spent a whopping sum of Rs 120 Crores. Well the subject as well as the star cast were perfect. The only department where the movie made a dismal performance was in the direction. Looks like the director just blew the movie in and out. Maybe that is the reason why he chose such a name for the title.

The only thing which saved the audience is the length of the movie. It is a pretty short movie.
Well coming back to the cast, Akki is so pathetic. I don't know why is he called as most bankable hero after 4 flops in a row. Next on, Sanju Baba or Sethji as called by Akki in the movie is also lack lustre. He has developed a paunch recently which actually looks like he is pregnant. Is he by any chance?

Katrina Kaif makes you love to hate her in this movie. She is totally wasted. She says she can do anything for Akki. It's high time she should try to grow up.

Kylie is good but she looks like one bar dancer instead of a phenomenal pop star. Talking about Zayed Khan is just waste of time. He has never acted in past and its the same in this movie too. Akki plays a guy from Bahamas. He should have done a bit of homework before even signing this movie. The underwater stunt scenes are not at all choreographed well.

The only good thing about the movie is Lara Dutta. Her role is pretty limited so she is somewhat okay.

What was A R Rehman trying to do with this movie. He is on a role. After Slumdog Millionaire he is going on giving mediocre music. The title says everything about the movie. Blew.... Bluooooo..............

Deserves a rating of 1/5 that too just because of the locations.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Swades - Kudos to Ashutosh Gowariker !!

Hi Guys,

I guess you guys had a very good Weekend.

I watched Swades the movie by Ashu. I don't know how I missed the movie when it actually got released. I kinda liked the subject.

I movie is loosely based on the Novel "Chigurida Kanasu" by 'Kadala Theerada Bhargava' K Shivram Karanth.

The movie starts with Mohan Bhargava (SRk) working at NASA in a lucrative and prestigious position.After twelve years in the US, he decides to return to India to find his nanny, Kaveriamma played by one the most versatile theatre person Kishori Balal, with whom he has completely lost touch. He comes in a Caravan into the town where most of the people are illeterates and do not know what a caravan is..... Kaveriamma will be ecstatic to find Mohan. Now his only motto is to take Kaveriamma with him to America. There is one more character Geetha (Gayathri Joshi) who falls in love with mohan after sometime of fightings, you know these hindi movies, right?
Now, Kaveriamma cannot leave Geetha as she becomes alone. She is a woman of substance and she doesn't want Kaveriamma go to America with Mohan. Oh, I didn't tell what Geetha does right? She is a school teacher. She wants to extend her school till High School. But, the elders of the town they live in needs the place for thier panchayat. There will be one long argument and Geetha is given time till Dusshera to get more admissions to save the school and Kaveeriamma cannot leave Geeta until she gets married and live happily. So Mohan gives an idea to Kaveriamma where they share the job. Kavveriamma looks after her Marriage and Mohan gets the admission. In the meantime he falls in love with her and she too. The main problem of the town is not Geetha or School. The main problem is Electricity. Mohan finally gets into the act of getting the town much needed electricity. He asks for 100 men and starts the project. As you know a Movie is not over until it has something extraoridnary thing needed from the Hero. Here also Mohan dives into the reservoir to remove the grass which is stuck in the outlet. Finally he succeds in getting the Electricity. Then he leaves for America as Kaveriamma rejects his offer. Geetha is also heart broken. But right after Mohan launches the satellite he returns to India as his roots are in India. Mera Bharath Mahaan.

Finally, SRK has acted in the Movie. Sorry Ashu has made him Act. Kudos to Ashu for this feat. Gayathri Joshi actually looks like SRK's elder sister sorry Aunt though she is my favorite. One Character which will stay in your mind even after you come home is Kaveriamma. She is amazing.
This is one movie which you can watch without getting distracted. Every character is well made and there are scenes which are really well directed.

All in all Swades is one good movie. My rating for this movie is 3.5/5

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Life is so bloody Uncertain. You don't know when you get a call !!

Hi ,

Its been a long time blogging. I was too busy these days.

I will have to tell a story before even starting telling any new things.

There was a family of 4, and I will call the protagonist as Mr. X as I don't know his name. Mr. X was a happy go lucky Business Magnate. He had too many rivals, so you can think of his revenues. Suddenly, due to this economical downturn this year he lost too much of money and lost business. So he took loans and after so many efforts he was not able to repay the loans. There was too much of pressure. So he decides to take his life by jumping off the cliff. So, he writes a suicide note a day before Diwali and mails it to his family and says please do not to search for him before he ends his life. He also gives the exact spot where he will take his life off.

As it was Diwali the mail was delivered a bit late (just by 3 days). He ends his life at the exact time and exact place where he wanted to. When the family searches for the body, they find it in such a condition where it is half decomposed and half eaten by the insects.

This is not a story. This is what has happened to one of my neighbors.

Now, let me talk about Friday (I call it freaky Friday) Morning. I obviously started the day in the office. This is the first day where I didn't feel sleepy neither in the Office nor in the bus back home. I wan't feeling comfortable at all. I had a premonition that something bad was in store for me. With the same feeling I started walking back home from my dropping point.

My house is actually located at the end of a narrow lane. So, as usual I entered the alley and I saw three small groups of people in front of Mr. X's house I actually was expexcting a smile from Mr. X after a long time. But, I saw a Maruthi Van right in front of his house and the door of it was kept ajar. When I passed by the Van I saw a small bag in the Van. I only came to know that it was not juat any bag but Mr. X's body was stuffed into it. Its tough to stuff a small boy into that bag, i don't know how they stuffed Mr. X's body into it?

Suddenly I lost a friend whom I didn't even know. I guess now you guys know why I have chosen the particular subject line.

No words to say yet :((

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Gandhi Jayanthi - D(ea)ry day of my life

Hi. The blog I posted yesterday was just a test blog which is taken directly from my Facebook account.
I can proudly say yesterday was one of the driest days of my life.

So, lets start at the very beginning. Firstly, I was not at all in a state of mind to get out of my bed and come to office. Somehow I got out of my bed and left for office. I knew something good is in store for me (being sarcastic). But, I was wrong. It was better than ever. I missed my bus, which I do it quite often. This time I gave it a try and ran behind the bus for a kilometer or so. Couldn't get into the bus. Then I hired an Auto and came till corporation. I had a big fight with the Auto driver as he asked me for more money. After waiting for 45 min I got a bus which dropped right in front of 'The Forum mall'. This point of time, the Forum mall looked like an heaven. The moment I saw the mall I got into it and went into Mc Donalds and had Mc Aloo Veg Tikki. I was so happy having the Burger. By this time my luck was back into its place and I got G2 bus which almost dropped me in front of my Office. I was back on track.

Then as usual I enjoyed the company my Buddy Bhaskar.

Now I will have to tell about another incident. I missed my bus to office on Gandhi Jayanthi last year. Isn't it a co incidence. Maybe this why people say History repeats itself..............

This blog was not at all good. I will try to write better next time.

Happy Weekend! :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Schools in New York are paying some Teachers for doing Nothing

Many Teachers in New York accused of offenses ranging from insubordination to Sexual Misconduct are enjoying full pay for spending the whole eight hours in the "Rubber Rooms" (off-campus office space where they wait months, even years, for their disciplinary hearings). They can do whatever they want to. Usually teachers spend their time staring at the wall, making portraits of their colleagues or playing scrabble. These teachers can practice yoga, work on their novels, paint — pretty much anything but school work. They have summer vacation just like their classroom colleagues and enjoy weekends and holidays through the school year. This is happening because of the union contracts which make it extremely difficult to fire them.