Saturday, October 24, 2009

Life is so bloody Uncertain. You don't know when you get a call !!

Hi ,

Its been a long time blogging. I was too busy these days.

I will have to tell a story before even starting telling any new things.

There was a family of 4, and I will call the protagonist as Mr. X as I don't know his name. Mr. X was a happy go lucky Business Magnate. He had too many rivals, so you can think of his revenues. Suddenly, due to this economical downturn this year he lost too much of money and lost business. So he took loans and after so many efforts he was not able to repay the loans. There was too much of pressure. So he decides to take his life by jumping off the cliff. So, he writes a suicide note a day before Diwali and mails it to his family and says please do not to search for him before he ends his life. He also gives the exact spot where he will take his life off.

As it was Diwali the mail was delivered a bit late (just by 3 days). He ends his life at the exact time and exact place where he wanted to. When the family searches for the body, they find it in such a condition where it is half decomposed and half eaten by the insects.

This is not a story. This is what has happened to one of my neighbors.

Now, let me talk about Friday (I call it freaky Friday) Morning. I obviously started the day in the office. This is the first day where I didn't feel sleepy neither in the Office nor in the bus back home. I wan't feeling comfortable at all. I had a premonition that something bad was in store for me. With the same feeling I started walking back home from my dropping point.

My house is actually located at the end of a narrow lane. So, as usual I entered the alley and I saw three small groups of people in front of Mr. X's house I actually was expexcting a smile from Mr. X after a long time. But, I saw a Maruthi Van right in front of his house and the door of it was kept ajar. When I passed by the Van I saw a small bag in the Van. I only came to know that it was not juat any bag but Mr. X's body was stuffed into it. Its tough to stuff a small boy into that bag, i don't know how they stuffed Mr. X's body into it?

Suddenly I lost a friend whom I didn't even know. I guess now you guys know why I have chosen the particular subject line.

No words to say yet :((

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